Science is an Aspect of the Divine
Science is a revelation of divine power — it manifests by the will of God through a human medium in line with our needs at a particular point in time. It is a misnomer to believe that Science and God are two different things. In keeping with this, Hinduism considers science as an aspect of religion as is advocated in the ancient Shastras. According to ancient Hindu texts, metaphysics known as apara-vigyaan, a branch of philosophy, finds its origin in science or vigyaan. By sharing common roots. these fields of study are equally considered revelations of the divine.
If God and science do not exist in isolation, it raises the question: Is it God or some other force that is behind scientific progress? In ancient times, people believed religious practices held the solution to their problems. To be relieved of their afflictions, some performed fire offerings or yagna while other looked to yogic practices and meditation or sadhana. While God revealed Himself through yagna and meditation in the past, now He is revealing His divine powers through science. We find that the solution to many of our problems lies in scientific discoveries and technological innovation.
Progress has the objective of ensuring the maximum use of the smallest unit, over the shortest period of time, with the largest impact. Scientific progress has meant, for instance, that the light we could get from one hundred candles can now be derived from a single electric bulb. Undoubtedly science has helped us create maximum impact.
If we define God as an inexplicable power guiding human beings, then God was able to instil in our brains a certain intelligence that has given us the ability to control the powers of nature to our benefit. For example, creating electricity and new medicines for previously incurable diseases has made life easier for all. Science is therefore, an extension of the same divine force.
Throughout history, people are naturally inclined to reap the benefits of science and discard anything that is unscientific. As human beings evolved, and civilizations grew, people started making progress in science and technology. Each generation took science forward creating amenities that make our lives more comfortable. We can see this in our lives today: we travel in cars, use electricity, and have refrigerators, air conditioners, television and now even the internet. Human beings can transform the powers of nature to their benefit in ways that no other living species can accomplish.
In the Stone age, science and technology were non-existent, and so was the concept of God. But people still survived, and civilization continued. People lived in constant fear of animals and the forces of nature and started worshipping imaginary higher powers to seek their protection. Thus, the key emotion that pushed humans to reach out to God was fear, and not love. The concept of God slowly developed over time.
Once the cerebral capacity of homosapiens started evolving, civilizations grew in certain parts of the world. When those civilizations dwindled, other civilizations emerged to prominence. That is how civilization and knowledge moved to different parts of the world. At that time, human beings were fighting to survive by developing that fighting capacity in the human brain. All scientific and technological advancements are motivated by the play of divine waves manifested through people’s intelligence.
Through scientific progress, God is giving us the best of things which cannot be discarded as wrong. It makes life more progressive, comfortable, and more inclusive. To varying extents, all of us accept the benefits of science. After all, when there is a medical emergency, we first run to the hospital to benefit from the advancements in medical science and not to the temple regardless of how spiritual we may think we are.
Yet some people react negatively to scientific progress due to their rigid and traditional ways of thinking, believing that such changes are negative. They believe that the world is in a state of decay as a result of material and scientific growth. But there cannot be a different divine force behind progress in science, a different one for material growth and another one for religious growth for that matter. Let’s be flexible and embrace all types of progress that support the evolution of society.
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