Time flows and the year passes by …

 Time flows and the year passes by. The past proceeds to the future through the present. Life is a time continuum. Its linearity stretches up to infinity with loops and lines of circularity, like a stretched coil. Nothing grows by itself or ends by itself. The blueprint of everything including its dynamics is stored in the bosom of a mighty creative and dynamic force that is perceived as God by some. Through its long struggle, the human race has been able to comprehend a little about the nature and features of that all engulfing, omnipresent, and sovereign power.

‘Ah, the New Year has come’, we say, with wistful thinking and a hope for a better future when compared with the past. How strange that the calendar we follow and with which we begin a year so hopefully, is just a game of numbers written on the canvas of time. We want the inedible and painful markings of the previous year to somehow be wiped out of our memory, by the advent of a better year. The fact is that time continues, as an unending flow until we meet our nemesis due to our hubris.

What would be the better approach to a New Year? Wishing each other and merry making? Anything beyond this? The Saints’ prescription is to look beyond ourselves, both in happiness and sorrow. The best way to celebrate could be merry making with the lonely and unlucky by giving them gifts, food, and even clothes for the winter. How strange that internally we feel pride for our good fortune as we compare ourselves with the destitute and the needy, but this does not generate empathy within us.

God and Guru need to be thanked on this day for giving us a life that is far better than the lives of most. Let’s visit those on this day, who need a smile so that they too can feel hopefulness as the year begins.

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